Abydos and the Osireion

Where the double reliefs make up the supposed helicopter and tank and boat – nonsense… clearly 2 reliefs over each other as seen at many many other sites… a usurping of the old is evident everywhere… This is an amazing temple where we couldn’t take flash photos or video though I managed to video much of it. Much like the Hathor temple, there is a scene on the wall of the resurrection of Osiris, but the most interesting to me was the Osireion (Brien Foerster, Irene M. Flores. Danny and I got a once in a lifetime chance to go down for some baksheesh for 30seconds to a minute before the police started to show up… sorry if we tainted the pot for the others.) For the record, the flower of life is painted in red ochre and NOT laser etched as sadly retold by everyone. there is also a red ochre boat and about 8 other flower of life symbols as this was use as a pythagorean study at one point. (Sorry Nassim and Jamie… not lasers)… But the megalithic blocks here are massive and have no engravings on the original stones. looks like the site was deliberately dismantled and not reused like other sites. It sits below the bedrock as well so it is something that was build under the land level. In the other temple, there is also the depiction of Anubis as a man (perhaps the only depiction…) as the name in the hieroglyphics clearly states, it is Anubis… (video with Mohamed Ibrahim to be uploaded once better internet can be had…) There were also examples of usurped megalithic blocks as seen in the column that came from a much larger piece… this means that the wall this came out of was more than 5 feet deep… Anyhow enjoy!…